Grief Support Resources
Every person must cope with loss of a loved on his or her own terms.

The emotional upheaval these trying times can cause is sometimes so overwhelming that even the support of friends and family may not help relieve the amount of sadness and grief you feel.
At Risher Mortuary & Cremation Service we offer the following aftercare grief sessions:
» New Hope Ministries
This ministry is to strengthen and support anyone who has experienced
the loss of a loved one to death. The Grief Share support group is a 13
session video seminar that is biblically based and features top experts
in grief recovery. Each session includes a video seminar and a group
discussion. There is a grief study workbook to assist and for note
taking which is also included.
» GriefShare at Seacoast Grace Church
GriefShare is a 13 week support group led by people who understand what
you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable
GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward
to rebuilding your life.
Videos, resources, newsletter, and an online therapeutic grief program created by Dr. Jason Troyer.
» National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
Committed to improving end of life care and expanding access to hospice care with the goal of profoundly enhancing quality of life for people dying in America and their loved ones.